Project Underpopulation
Fighting against overpopulation in the modern world

Who we are
 We are a non-profit orginization that advocates for the end of overpopulation.
Our Mission
 We strive to stop the excessive growth of population. Countries such as China and India are so overpopulated, that each accounts for over one seventh of the entire world's population. It really shows, in the overpopulated slums of India and the dense cities of China. Dharavi, the largest slum in India, is home to one million people. However, throughout the entire country, it is estimated that 104 million people are living in slums. In China, there are 6 cities with over 10 thousand people residing in them. Shanghai has 23 million residents, and Beijing has 18 million residents. The other four cities have 12.4 million or less residents, and they are Guangzhou, Shenzen, Chongqing, and Wuhan.
 Shanghai takes up only 2,448 square miles, making it's population density 9.4 thousand people per sq. mile. For comparison, New York, the densest city in the USA, only has a population density of 2.8 thousand. Shanghai has over triple the density of New York.
 In the United States, there are over 400 thousand children in foster care. In China, there are
 This density is not a great condition to live in. We want to raise awareness of these uncomfortable conditions that children and adults are put in.
What you can do
 We advocate for the halt of population growth. Here's a list of things you can do to show you care too: